Resolution of diesel price assistance

-TRANSLATION- 1000/ 111 /2008 May 30, 2008 Subject : To inform the resolution of the Board of Directors on the subject of granting the Company's assistance of diesel price to alleviate the problem of expensive oil price. Attention : President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand According to the resolutions of the Board of Directors meeting of the Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited (the "company") No.6/2008, held on May 29, 2008, which approved the granting the company's assistance of diesel price to alleviate the problem of high oil price sold to highly affected consumer groups, specifically, public transportation operators, fishing boats and farmers, to alleviate their suffering from the problem of high oil price and to have continuing domestic consumptions without cessation that may cause an effect on the Company's long term production process, in the rate of no more than 3 baht per liter within a period of no more than 6 months (June- November 2008), in an amount no exceeding 261 million baht. As such, the condition for the approval must be within the operation of the four refineries in the PTT Group, namely Thai Oil Public Company Limited, IRPC Public Company Limited, PTTAR Public Company Limited and the Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited. If at any time within the 6-month period, the Company suffers loses or anticipates that if it continues providing such assistance, it will result in the Company being in default of its debt payment obligation and/or in breach of contract with the creditors under the loan agreements, debentures or debt instruments, the Company can stop this alleviation program. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, -signed- (Mr.Wattana Opanon-Amata) Senior Executive Vice President Corporate Administration and Information Technology Office of the Secretary to Board of Directors Tel : 0-2335-4584 Fax : 0-2713-9419