Closure date of registration book to receive warrants

-Translation- April 4, 2006 Subject: To fix the closure date of shareholder's book for the rights to receive warrants (XW) To: President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand According to (i) the resolution of the 1/2005 extra-ordinary shareholder meeting held on October 11, 2005 which approved an issuance of the warrant, not exceeding 85,500,000 units, to the existing shareholders in proportion with their shareholding on the closure date at the ratio of existing 10 shares: 1 unit of warrant and (ii) the resolution of the 4/2006 Board of Director's meeting held on March 31, 2006 which approved to offer free warrant (the offering price is nil) and to close the books of the Company for the right to receive the warrant on the first working day after the 14 days from the date the Company has approved by Office of Securities and Exchange Commission to issue and offer the warrant have been lapsed, the Board also authorized the Chairman to notify the closure date in accordance with the regulations specified by the Board; The Office of Securities and Exchange Commission has approved the Company to issue the warrants on March 31, 2006. Therefore, the Company would like to notify that the closure date of the book of the Company will be April 20, 2006. For other information relating to such issuance, the Company will inform later. Yours Faithfully, -signed- (Mr. Anusorn Sangnimnuan) President Finance Division 0-2335-4370