
(TRANSLATION) Report of Year 2000 Compliance Project THE BANGCHAK PETROLEUM PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Business: Energy Head Office: 38 Srinakarin Road, Prawet, Bangkok 10260 Telephone: 301-2700 Facsimile: 301-2859 Report on the status of the Year 2000 Compliance Project, the sixth report (as of September 30, 1999). Bangchaks Preparation for the Y2K Compliance: Third Quarter 1999 Progress I. Project Execution during the Last Quarter Bangchak Master Plan for Year 2000 Compliance project has been divided nto five steps as follows : Step 1 : Overall Project Management Step 2 : Risk Analysis and Impact Assessment / Implementation and Validation Planning Step 3 : Implementation Step 4 : Validation Step 5 : Contingency Plan In the first quarter of 1999, Bangchak has completed the work step 1 to step 4. For the work step 5, the contigency plan has been completed in the third quarter of 1999. It means the Year 2000 Compliance project of Bangchak is totally completed at 100% in the third quarter of 1999. II. Progression As of the Third Quarter of 1999, the project progression is 100% as shown below. WEIGHTING, % ACTUAL (OVERALL PLAN) PROGRESS, % 1. Overall Project 5 5 2. Risk Analysis and Impact Assessment 17 17 3. Implementation 60 60 4. Validation 12 12 5. Contingency Plan 6 6 100 100 III. Situation Analysis and Management View The project execution for the Year 2000 Compliance from the first quarter of 1997 till the end of third quarter of 1999 has been satisfactorily completed as scheduled include the contingency plan. The training of contingency plan has been continuously practised to ensure the readiness of company systems. YEAR 2000 COMPLIANCE PROJECT YEAR 1997 1998 1999 ACTION PLAN FOR COMPANY CRITICAL ITEMS QUARTER Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1. Overall Project Management - Establish Y2K committee/Assign managers and team members *** - Control plan and revise scheduling ********************************* 2. Risk Analysis and Impact Assessment A.IT Group - APPLICATION SOFTWARE / DATABASE ** - NETWORK / OS / HARDWARE ****** B. Non-IT Group ** **** C. Supply Chain ******** 3. Implementation A. IT Group - APPLICATION SOFTWARE / DATABASE + MARKETING & SALES ************ + ACCOUNTING / FINANCIAL ****************************** + OIL RECORD ******************* + HUMAN RESOURCE ****************** - NETWORK / OS / HARDWARE ******** B. Non-IT Group *** *** 4. Validation A. IT Group - APPLICATION SOFTWARE / DATABASE ******* - NETWORK / OS / HARDWARE ****** ****** B. Non-IT Group **** ** 5. Contingency Plan A. IT Group ** ***************** B. Non-IT Group (Refinery completed, Other systems in progress) ****************** C. Supply Chain *** ---- PLAN **** ACTUAL Certificate of Correctness Report of Year 2000 Compliance Project FORM 57 (Y2K) The Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited by Board of Directors (hereinafter called the Company) have examined the statement in the report concerning to this Y2K Compliance Project (hereinafter called the Project) and certify that all are completed, accurate, true, and do not make others misunderstand, or lack the information in significance that may damage to shareholders, or stock exchange investors To be the evidence, all documents which have been certified by the Company, we empowered Mrs Saisunee Sangnimnuan (hereinafter called the Attorney) to have the authorized signature to sign in all documents concerning to the Project. All documents, without Attornys signature, shall not be deemed as a part hereof. Name Position Signature 1 Mr. Somchai Richupan Chairman 2 Mr. Chirayu Isarangkun na-Ayuthaya Director 3 Mr. Prasert Bunsumpun Director 4 Mr. Piyasvasti Amranand Director 5 Mrs.Puntip Surathin Director 6 Mr. Pichai Chunhavajira Director 7 Mr. Wanchai Thanittiraporn Director 8 Mr. Sirichai Sakornratanakul Director 9 Mr. Sommai Phasee Director 10Mr. Anan Nadtasomboon Director Name Position Signature Attorney Mrs. Saisunee Sangnimnuan Manager 56-1