Submission of Reviewed Financial Statements and Performance Explanation for the three-month period and the nine-month period ended September 30, 2017
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The Appointment of the New Director
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Procedures for Proposing Agenda Items for 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholder's and Nomination of Directors in advance.
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Interim Dividend Payment
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Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ending 30 Jun 2017
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Reviewed Quarter 2 and Consolidated F/S (F45-3)
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Financial Statement Quarter 2/2017 (Reviewed)
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Submission of Reviewed Financial Statements and Performance Explanation for the three-month period and the six-month period ended June 30, 2017
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Notification of the resolution of the Board of Directors' meeting re: Amalgamation between BBP Holding Co., Ltd. (a subsidiary) and a private limited company which will hold 99.99% of the total issued shares in KSL Green Innovation Plc. (revised pdf)
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Notification of the resolution of the Board of Directors' meeting re: Amalgamation between BCP Holding Company Limited and a private limited company which will hold 99.99% of the total issued shares in KSL Green Innovation Public Company Limited
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The payment of shares and entering into agreements under the conditions of the additional investment in Lithium Americas Corp.
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Notification of the Change in Bio-Based Business Shareholding Structure
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