Report of Capital Increase Form The Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited 20 March, 2000 We, The Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited, hereby report the resolutions of the Board of Directors meeting No.3/2000, held on 20 March, 2000 between 1.30 P.M. to 4.35 P.M. held at The Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited office, 38 Srinakarintr road, Praves, Bangkok, in relation to the increase of the registered capital and its allotment as follows: 1. Increase of capital The Board of Directors Meeting had a resolution to increase the registered capital of the Company from the existing registered capital of Baht 5,220,409,400 to Baht 7,720,409,400 by an issue of 250,000,000 new ordinary shares at the par value of Baht 10 each, totally Baht 2,500,000,000. 2. Allotment of capital increase The Board of Directors Meeting had a resolution to allot 250,000,000 new ordinary shares at the par value of Baht 10 each, totalling Baht 2,500,000,000 with details as follows: 2.1 Details of allotment: Allotted to Number of Ratio Offering Price Subscription Remark Shares (Old:New) Per Share and /or (Baht) Payment Period Public Offering 250Million Shares - to be to be determine by determine Boards by Boards 2.2 Undertaking of the Company, in case of fraction of shares. None. 2.3 The allotment of the remaining shares. None. 3. Determine to the date of Shareholders' Meeting for approval of capital increase and allotment of shares for capital increase The 2000 Annual Shareholders' Meeting shall be held on April 24,2000 at 1.00 p.m. at the Bangchak Refinery, and the Company's share register book shall be closed for right to attend the shareholders' meeting as from April 4,2000 at 12.00 a.m. until the shareholders' meeting is completed. 4. Application for Capital Increase/Allotment of Shares for Capital Increase with Relevant Governmental Agencies and Conditions After the Board of Directors meeting resolution to the increase of the registered capital, The Company shall be submitted the application for allotment of issued to Securities and Exchange Commission before issuing before offfering to general public. 5. Purpose of Capital Increase and the Use of the Increased Capital For the capital restructure of the Company with stronger financial standing, reduce the debt to equity ratio for further serving the financial flexibility of the operation. 6. Benefits derived by the Company from the Capital Increase. 6.1 To reduce the Company cost. 6.2 To have more flexibility in the administration of the Company. 6.3 To increase the business operational potentiality of the Company. 7. Benefits derived by the Shareholders from Capital Increase. 7.1 Dividend policy: The Company has a policy to pay dividend to shareholders by 50% of the net profit, due to appropriateness of economic situation and the Company operation in the future. 7.2 Subscribers of this shares of Capital Increase is entitled to receive dividend the existing shareholders of the Company. 8. Other details necessary to support the Shareholders' decision in approving the Capital Increase None. 9. Procedure schedule of Increase its Capital 9.1 Closing of share register book for right to attend the 2000 Annual shareholders' meeting. April 4, 2000 9.2 Holding of the 2000 Annual Shareholders Meeting for approval of capital increase April 24, 2000 The Company hereby certifies that the information in this report is true and correct. Signature Somchai Richuphan (Mr.Somchai Richuphan) Chairman (Authorized director and Company's Seal) Signature Sirichai Sakornratanakul (Mr.Sirichai Sakornratanakul) Managing Director and Boards Secretary