The Bangchak Petroleum Plc informed its 1997 performance, saying BCP could make sales posting Bt39,294 m, 19% higher. Strategy for 1998 will focus on an increase of sales over number of its petrol stations and customers products, and decrease of foreign debts by suspending investments. Despite economic turmoil and ongoing devaluation of the baht through last year, customers still continued having service at BCP stations, resuling in sales lifting to 6,350 m litres, jumping 8% while its revenues from sales surged up by 19% from Bt33,104 m a year before to Bt39,294 m. As for retail market, sales rallied 17% The clear operation could be seen in refinery process too as it refineries were guaranteed environmentally-friendly standardised as ISO 14001 -- Petroleum Refining for every single process. Moreover, by the end of 1997 all refineries were still able to sustain correct security measure for 5.8 m hours. Concerning 1998 performance which financial chaos still dismays every part of economy, the company plans to adjust its operation to give priority to boosting sales around Bangkok and circumference areas. In order to heighten Thai economy, the company will reduce using foreign money by decreasing petro reserves, suspending investments. Other than that, the company tries to bring bright smiles back to the cummunity, collaborating on people to improve local products for larger markets. Comment : Please verify in PUBLIC SIMS. Translated by the Nation