The Bangchak Petroleum Plc. (BCP) reported that it board of directors resolved at the meeting no. 3/1997 to hold its annual general shareholders' meeting for 1997 at 1.00 pm. of April 29, 1997 to consider following issues: 1. To certify minutes of the annual general shareholders' meeting for 1996 2. To acknowledge board's report on the company's operating result in 1996 3. To approve balance sheets and profit/loss statements for the period ending December 31, 1996 and auditor's report 4. To approve profit appropriation and dividend payment from the operating year 1996 5. To elect new directors to succeed those ending their tenures 6. To consider auditor appointment and remuneration 7) To consider having BCP issue unsecure name-specified debentures in Baht and/or foreign currency worth equivalent to not more than Bt5 billion. The debentures are to be due within 10 years, and will be offered to general public and/or via a private placement and/or to foreign institutional investors. The offering may either be done in a single shot or many, and either in the local and/or foreign markets. The rules, terms, and details of these debentures, such as the currency, face value, offering price/unit, coupon rate, put option, offering period, offering methods, and other details will be under the consideration of the company's board of directors. The board has the authority to work out and amend the rules and terms of these debentures to facilitate offering and to suit the money market circumstance in the offering period. 8. To consider other issues (if any) The share registration book was scheduled to be closed at noon of April 16, 1997 until the meeting is over, in order to entitle shareholders for the meeting participation. On dividend payment, the payment rate and the date to close the registration book will be considered at this upcoming annual general shareholders' meeting. The company hereby requested the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to suspend trading of its securities from 1.00 pm. of April 29, 1997 until the meeting ends.