Changing practice for submitting financial statements

-TRANSLATION- 1000 / 262 / 2006 December 1, 2006 Subject : Notification of changing practice for filing financial statements Attention : President of The Stock Exchange of Thailand According to the Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited's ("the Company") filing practice of unreviewed and unaudited financial statements following the Stock Exchange of Thailand's guidelines, which legislate under Bor.Jor/Por. 26-00, dated February 3, 2001. The Company has submited unreviewed and unaudited financial statements within 30 days following the end of accounting period. Following the completion of reviewed and audited, the Company has resubmitted the statements again within 45 days or 60 days after the end of accounting period for reviewed statement and audited statement respectively. Please be informed that The Company would like to change practice for filling financial statements to submit only as per the SET's Regulation. Re: Preparation and Submission of Financial Statements, Financial Reports and Operating Results of Listed Companies, 2001, which states that a listed company shall prepare and submit quarterly reviewed financial statements within 45 days and for the audited financial statements within 60 days following the end of accounting period. This change will make the company's filing practice to be in line with PTT Public Company Limited, the company's major shareholders, being consistently effective from Financial Statements 2006 onward. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, - Signed - (Anusorn Sangnimnuan) President Corporate Planning and Investor Relation Office Tel : 0-2335-4583