The Dates for Exercising 3rd Voluntary Conversion of CSDR

TRANSLATION No. 1000 / 193 / 2005 September 26, 2005 Subject : To Determine the Dates for Exercising the Third Voluntary Conversion of Depository Receipt for Common Shares of The Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited - October 5, 2005 Attention: President of The Stock Exchange of Thailand Reference: Terms and Conditions of the Depository Receipt for Common Shares of Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited Attachment : Details for Exercise of the Conversion of Depository Receipt for Common Shares of Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited As The Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited (Company) has issued and offered its ordinary shares to Siam DR Co., Ltd. (Siam DR) for the purpose of being the underlying asset for the issuance of Baht 3,003 million of the Depository Receipt for Common Shares of The Bangchak Petroleum Public Company Limited (CSDR) on January 29, 2004. According to Clause 3.8 of the Terms and Conditions of CSDR with respect to the rights of Voluntary Conversion, the CSDR holders have the right to wholly or partly convert CSDR to ordinary shares (except for the CSDR foreign holders, who may be subject to the limitation on registration in the Company's shareholder registry as stated in Clause 3.8 (4) (d) of the Terms and Conditions of CSDR). The Voluntary Conversion may be made on quarterly basis on the 5th day of January, April, July, and October each year at the conversion ratio of 1 CSDR for 1 ordinary share. The CSDR holders are to notify the intention to convert CSDR and to submit required documents to the Agent for Accepting Exercise of CSDR appointed by the Company and Siam DR. The Company would like to inform SET that the CSDR Holders have to notify the intention for the third Voluntary Conversion during September 28 - October 4, 2005 via Bualuang Securities Public Company Limited, the Company Agent for Accepting Exercise of the Conversion of CSDR. (The detailed information is as attachment.) Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, -signed- (Patiparn Sukorndhaman) Senior Executive Vice President Accounting and Finance Corporate Planning and Investor Relation Office Tel: 0-2335-4583 CC: 1. Managing Director, Siam DR Co., Ltd. 2. Managing Director, Thailand Securities Depository Co, Ltd. 3. Managing Director, Bualuang Securities Public Company Limited Detailed Information for Notifications of Exercise of CSDR Agent Accepting Notifications of Exericse of CSDR (the Agent): Bualuang Securities Public Company Limited (BLS) 191 Silom Complex Office Building, 29/F, Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Tel. 0-2231-3777 Fax 0-2266-6967 Contact persons : Khun Trinop Kumnerdkarn or Khun Pakamas Sukjai Account of BLS for Accepting Transfer of CSDR : 224-030002-6 for local DR's holders 224-930001-5 for foreign DR's holders Date of Exercise :Every 5th day of January, April, July and October of each year throughout the term of CSDR. The first day of exercise is the 5th day of April 2005 and the last day is on the 5th day of October 2013. In case the date of exercise is a non-banking day, the date of exercise will be the next banking day. Period of Exercise :CSDR holders must notify the Agent during the working hours of the Agent from 9.00 hours until 16.00 hours within 5 working days prior to each date of exercise. Method of Exercise:CSDR holders notify the Agent, together with the documents as follows : 1. Form of Notifications of Exercise of CSDR (the Notification Form) together with the power of attorney. 2. In case of scrip system, CSDR holders must submit the endorsed scrips in accordance with the number specified in the Notification Form, together with the cheque made payable to "Bualuang Securities Public Company Limited" In case of scripless system, CSDR holders will notify through the Depositor and transfer CSDR to the securities deposit account of the Agent, together with the cheque made payable to "Bualuang Securities Public Company Limited" 3. In case of juristic person, copy of the Affidavit issued by Ministry of Commerce and certified by the authorized person(s). 4. In case of individual, copy of identification card of the CSDR holder. The Notification Form:CSDR holders would be able to obtain and submit the Notification Form to the office of the Agent. Fee and payment methods:CSDR holders should pay a brokerage fee of 0.25% of offering price at 13.00 Bahts per unit and VAT of brokerage fee by cheque or cashier cheque, within Bangkok clearing house, crossed and made account payee to "Bualuang Securities Public Company Limited"(If notify in the last day of notification period the Agent would accept payment by cashier cheque only.)